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发布于:2015-11-18 14:41
  • UID26904
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发布于:2015-11-18 02:15
  • UID26806
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发布于:2015-11-17 16:11
Acknowledgments ix
Introduction xi
I. Defining Moment
Stacie Hogya 4
Anonymous 7
Anonymous 10
David La Fiura 13
Anonymous 17
Avin Bansal 20
Anonymous 23
Brad Finkbeiner 26
Anonymous 29
II. Undergraduate Experience
John Coleman 37
Maxwell Anderson 40
Lavanya Anantharman 43
Rosita Najmi 46
Faye Iosotaluno 49
Anonymous 52
Rohan Nirody 55

III. Career Aspirations
Jason Kreuziger 63
Anonymous 66
James Reinhart 69
Jemine Rewane 72
Anonymous 75
Apar Kothari 78
Anonymous 81
Anonymous 84
Stephen Cravens 87
Anne Morriss 90
IV. Typical Day
Anonymous 97
Jay Glaubach 99
Lexie Hallen 101
Benoit...Olivier Boureau 104
Jason Bohle 106
V. Three Accomplishments
Anonymous 113
Anonymous 117
Martin Brand 121
Anonymous 124
Anonymous 128
Scott Griffin 132
Daniel Lewis 136
Dale Schilling 140
Erik Johnson 143
VI. Setback or Failure
Chris Withers 150
Eugenia Gibbons 152
John Richard 154
Craig Ellis 157
Irfhan Rawji 159
Thomson Nguy 161
Anonymous 163
Jordan Burton 165
VII. Ethical Issues
Anonymous 171
PaulYeh 174
Rye Barcott 177
Anonymous 180
Adam Heltzer 183
Anonymous 186
Anonymous 189
VIII. Other Question
Nathan Dutzmann 197
Anonymous 200
David Zhang 203
John Schmit 206

Jaime Arreola 209
Anonymous 212
Ally Ip 215
Anonymous 218
Anonymous 220
Cabin Kim 222

The motivation to create the second edition of 65 Successful Harvard
Business School Application Essays came from a recent rise in business
school applications. With an abundance of qualified candidates
to choose from, admissions officers can be more selective, making
admission to top schools even more challenging for applicants. The
Harbus, the Harvard Business School weekly student newspaper,
recognizes that applicants require up-to-date materials and inspiration
to match the current environment. While this book includes
the latest application essays, which are updated regularly by the ad...
missions committee, it retains several essaysfrom the first edition of
the book because of their uniqueness as well as to reflect typical
question topics that may reappear in future admissions' applications.
It is worth noting that this book is created by The Harbus News
Corporation, an independent nonprofit entity, not the Harvard
Business School. The Harbus contributes profits to a grant-making
foundation that supports community organizations and schools in
the Boston area. The Foundation to date has awarded over 家850,000
in grants to forty organizations that pursue initiatives in education
and literacy.
The views and opinions expressed in this book do not necessarily
reflect those of Harvard Business School, and the references to the
school throughout the book do not mean that the school endorses
these views or opinions.

A huge credit is owed to five contributors from the Class of 2008
and Class of 2009 who helped source the content, select essays, and
write critiques and chapter introductions: Aastha Gurbax and Uma
Subramanian from the Class of 2008 and Will Boland, Linda
Dempah, and Zachary Surak from the Class of 2009. We thank all
the HBSstudents and alumni who kindly shared their personal es...
says.We would also like to thank the staff of the Harbus, including
Lauren Sullivan, Marianne Bakula, and Christie Cuthbert, for their
encouragement and support. Lastly, we would be remiss if we did not
express our gratitude for assistance from our agent, Katie Boyle, and
our editor at St. Martin's, Matthew Martz.

You are inspired, hopeful, accomplished, and eager. You seek per,
sonal and professional advancement via an MBA that will prepare
you for leadership challenges in any business field. You are aware,
however, that Harvard Business School receives about ten thousand
applications annually, and you are uncertain how to make your ap....
plication stand out. We understand. We have been in your shoes.
This book seeks to demystifythe admissions process for applicants
by providing a selective but robust sample of HBS essaysthat have sue,
cessfullysurvived the admissions committee in the past. We aspire to
show you a variety of writing styles, essay responses, and applicant
backgrounds that have been successful in the past, but there are no
foolproofprescriptions, shorts cuts, or magic formulas. There are probably
as many perfect application essays as there are applicants.
The chosen essays highlight ordinary applicants who have dem....
onstrated potential, vision, integrity, and leadership. While the MBA
applicant pool can often swarm with people with business backgrounds,
we are positive that this book will also inspire nontradi....
tional applicants because they will realize that there is no such thing
as a standard applicant at Harvard Business SchooL We encourage
you to bear in mind that your profession is not what makes the essay
special. What makes you special is how you make the big (or small)
decisions in life and how they have led to your growth. The only
common strain in the successful essaysis that applicants have clearly

described why each experience is challenging, educational, and
transformationaL We hope this book motivates you to write great
essays by revealing who you really are. Be captivating. Be truthful.
Be yourself.
When you sit down at a blank computer screen, you may be
tempted to think that your experiences to date have been rather
pedestrian. You are neither an Olympic gold medalist nor a Pulitzer
Prize winner. We hope that the examples in this book will rescue
you from this fear. Many of the essayscontain simple anecdotes with
routine settings that demonstrate the applicant's maturity, aware...
ness, and potentiaL 'Use anecdotes from your life to offer an astute
glimpse into your personality, sense of humor, values, thoughtful...
ness, and all other attributes that will contribute to your success in
life and business. Even the most prestigious accomplishment will be
deficient if you do not explain why it was important, what you
learned from it, and how you have.grown because of it.
First, make a mental list of the most influential and meaningful
events and experiences of your life and begin to map them into your
essays,but avoid repetition. While you may want to weave a few
overarching themes in all your essays, use the essays to demonstrate
different aspects of your intellectual, emotional, and moral fiber. For
instance, if you choose to prove your ability as a competent project
manager in one essay, you may wish to discuss a more personal issue
like your relationship with your parents or partner in the ·next.,
Reach inside yourself for examples of strength, confidence, and
In the end, your fundamental objective is to prove that you are
greater than the sum of your individual application parts such as
your GMAT score, academic transcripts, or professional laurels.
While those parts of the application are significant, your essays will

allow you to bring your charisma and individuality to life. So, steer
clear of cut-and...paste jobs from the resume.
Once you map out the essays, you will find the word limit excru...
ciating, Although an obstacle, the word count can help you tell your
story more selectively and succinctly. After all, does your employer
want you to be unnecessarily long-winded and unfocused? Probably
not. The essays included in this book will convince you that you can
be poignant in few words. We suggest that you create the first draft
without a strict word limit. In the subsequent draft, ask yourself re...
peatedly: "What is my core message? Does this sentence improve
upon or clarify that message?" By doing this, you will be able to dis..
till the key anecdotes and interpretations from a pool of excessive
descriptions and unnecessary details.
The essays in this book will help you to assess and celebrate your
key experiences in a robust fashion. In the analyses, we consider each
author's motivations, accomplishments, and shortcomings and assess
whether they communicate them compellingly and credibly through
their choices of content, structure, and style. We have selected essays
that deliver the author's message in a way that stood out from the
pack-your ultimate goal as an applicant. To do the same, concen..
trate on the frank analysis that follows each essay. The constructive
suggestions, embedded in the analyses, will enable you to avoid
common pitfalls and convert a good set of application essays into
are markable one.
We believe that you will find the sixty..five essays that follow to be
useful examples, but remember to treat them only as examples. Let
your uniqueness shine through your own essays and not through
imitation of "the essays in this book. We cannot promise you that
this book will get you into Harvard Business School. There are
books, Web sites, and admission consultants that promise such





  • UID26378
  • 注册日期2015-10-26
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  • 家乡
  • 铜币24枚
  • 威望74点
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发布于:2015-10-28 04:36
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